Monday, February 1, 2010

Timing Is Everything

It's funny how sometimes when you order something from an online company that features package tracking, it'll tell you the package is in transit until you actually have it in your hands. When you buy from a retailer who ships with the US Postal Service, like Amazon, you can find your package marked as already delivered in their tracking system even as you're still waiting for that day's mail to arrive.

In my neighborhood, the mail would arrive around 10:30-11:00am every weekday, with Saturdays perhaps a bit later around noon or 12:30. It was like this without fail from the time I was a kid. Now we're lucky if the mailman shows up by 4pm. Today, it matters. The tracking page says my Star Trek Online Collector's Edition has already been delivered.


The mail is here, but my package from Amazon is nowhere to be seen. Technically, it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow, so I'm not allowing myself to become upset yet. Still, if it's not here tomorrow I am so not going to be a happy camper.


Even though at times it seems like the servers are down as often as they're up, I'm having a great time so far with this game. I'm still building up my main. She's a Lt. Commander now, captain of a pretty nicely turned out Constitution Class cruiser.

I took a look at the Liberated Borg in the character creator, but decided against creating one right now. I'm thinking perhaps when/if I need a break from playing my main for a while, I'll create one then. We'll see. In the meantime, I think I'll go log in and play some more.

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